Tuesday, July 8, 2008


There is a song by Tripod which goes “I always get into things just as they finish being cool”. This is sort of how I feel starting this blog. Everyone is doing it and I am not sure what more I have to add. Blogging is really a fairly narcisstic pursuit. It assumes that there is someone out there who cares what you say.
Which is, of course, not the point at all.
In my case… there are some ideas which tend to run through my head until I finally trap them in words and lock them down on the page. Since I am writing these thoughts down anyway, why not put them into a blog – just on the off chance someone else cares.
I have been reading a number of blogs lately, mostly at work since there is not much else to do [note to self: I should explain this in more detail later – it might help work out what I should do about that]. And the conversations that I have been listening in on have helped crystallise my thinking on a number of points – often in areas unrelated to the topic being discussed, but just by presenting a point of view that I had not considered before.
Consider this payback – or pay forward, whatever.
This is not likely to be a single topic blog. There are a number of areas where my mind wanders and I’d like to range around a bit. I’m most likely to be writing on the train as I travel to and from work (a trip of about 45 min). This means that I don’t have internet access during the trip and linking is going to be a bit haphazard.
So be it.
As a bit of background; I work in the IT industry as a software architect. Don’t worry if you don’t know what that means. Neither does anyone else. If you do know what it means – you’re a wanker (of course, so am I). I live in a regional centre and travel to the capital city every day for work. I would work locally but they don’t pay nearly as well and I have got used to the trip; it gives me time to unwind (or wind up going the other way).
Anything else probably doesn’t matter that much. I may or may not include it in the blog if it appears relevant – depends on how I feel. I know that some readers like to know who is talking, but I am not sure that that should affect the argument being put forward. Did I mention that I have a science background? I recently discovered that one of my favorite bloggers was a woman. I had been assuming they were male for the last two years. It doesn’t change anything. The ideas are still valid whoever they come from.
I have a backlog of ideas that I have scribbled down in a Word doc over the last year or so. Most need work to even be coherent, but I am setting myself a goal of posting a couple of times a week – or once a week at least… maybe.

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